Overview #
This document provides the administrator an overview of ‘Skins’ topic, necessary steps to create/edit skins, how to set a default skin, search for any particular skin, and add different languages using the skin and also understand the purpose of using a Skin.
Template Skins #
A skin is a collection of templates that make up the overall layout of the store. These are commonly used to reflect a different language, which may require a slightly different layout, or different devices such as phones, and tablets, that require different designs for the same content.
- Click on Templates.
- Click Template Skins.

Creating a Skin #
A new skin can be created under Supported Language section of Manage Skins page.
- Select a new language and choose a theme from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the Add button. The skin will be created under the Available Skins section of this page.
- The new skin will have a ‘-‘ sign if it doesn’t have any templates added to it.
Add Templates to the Skins #
After the skin is created, templates can then be copied either from other skins or from the ‘No Skin’ area, into the new skin to comprise the collection of templates that will be used for the store design.
- Select a Skin to copy the templates.
- Check the check-boxes to select the required templates under this Skin.
- Click on Copy.

Default Skin #
Use this section to make a Skin the default Skin for the store.
- Select the skin on the Default Skin section from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the Update button
The default skin should have the following templates before it is set:
- category_template.vm
- sitemaps.vm
- content_template.vm
- home_store.vm
- catesitemap2.vm
- catesitemap.vm
- contact_us.vm
- blog_template.vm
- paymentsettings.vm
- myaccounthome.vm
- ultrasonicsalesmenpage.vm
- ultrasonicclientpage.vm
- ie8_error.vm
- itemtemplate.vm

Search for a template under the Skins #
This section is used to search for a template on any available skin.
- Enter the name of template.
- Click on the Search button. All the templates that matched the search will be displayed under their Skin:
- Click on Clear button to clear the Search. The page will refresh showing only the Available Skins at the bottom of the page.

Editing a Skin #
Manage Skins page provides a list of all current skins under the Available Skins section.
- Click the plus icon next to the preferred skin to expand a list of the templates that are part of that skin. In addition, this section also presents the options to copy, or move selected templates to a different skin, by selecting the Skin on the drop-down menu.
- Click on Edit link to modify template.