The template/default stores contain important information on how each type of store is set up, such as default store settings, store properties, templates, and store item properties. The template stores are used to create new suppliers and marketplace stores as copies of those stores.
Use this guide to verify the template/default stores are correctly set up
Prerequisites: #
- Access to the sys admin pages (java admin)
- Log in as a super admin
- Access the Getting Starter guide to check the definitions of each type of store.
Supplier Template store #
The supplier template store is used when creating new supplier stores.
Make sure the following sections are configured correctly:
1. Store Type #
Go to the Store Setting pop-up, located on the List Vendors page > Supplier store row > Gear > Store Settings > Store Type tab.
Note: The List Vendors page is the first page displayed after the admin logs in.

We will focus on the first section of the Store Settings.
- Make sure the first radio button is checked (Vendor/Supplier Portal)
- In the first field, specify the Supplier Code, this code is used as a unique identifier of the store and it is an internal code.
- The next field has the label ‘that sends products to the Master Catalog / Warehouse’, here you need to specify the MCW vid which will be used on this supplier.
- The last field ‘Supplier Store VID’ is no longer used but it was intended to specify the Supplier Marketplace vid that will be used as an independent checkout for the supplier. What we do instead is to use a store property which will be mentioned later in this guide.

Click on Update.
2. Store Settings #
Go to the Store Setting pop-up, located on the List Vendors page > Supplier store row > Gear > Store Settings > Store Settings tab.

- Make sure both Configuration Settings are enabled so we allow the supplier store to create new products and to supply them to the MCW and marketplace store.
- If they are not enabled, click on the checkbox to enable the option and click on ‘Save’ for each option.

3. Manage Supplier Settings #
Go to the Store Setting pop-up, located on the List Vendors page > Supplier store row > Gear > Store Settings > Manage Supplier tab.

- Make sure the Retailer option is selected on the Supplier Type dropdown menu.
- If it’s not, select it and click on Update.
4. Verify the Categories of the default suppliers #
Go to the default supplier row in the List of Vendors admin page and click on the supplier VID

Now go to Catalog > Categories > Home > Shop
Verify the SHOP category structure is the same as the one in the main marketplace store and the supplier marketplace store.
The SHOP category structure of the MCW needs to have all categories shared between suppliers and marketplaces but it does not need to be exactly the same as the one in the main marketplace store.

NOTE: The seller category must be always under the SHOP category and needs to be set on all stores. The name must always be ‘Sellers’. Only the common name of this can be changed in the Main Marketplace.
5. Verify the Store Multi-Valued Properties #
Go to the default supplier row in the List of the Vendors admin page and click on the supplier VID
Now go to Settings > Multi Valued Properties
Verify that only these multi-value properties are already created:
- Tag
- Sellers
- PIckup Locations
- Condition
- Collection
- Category
- Brand
Verify the ‘Sellers’ mvp does not have any value added to it. Also, verify the others mvp’s do not have any values added.

6. Verify the Store Item Status Settings #
Go to the default supplier row in the List of the Vendors admin page and click on the supplier VID
Now go to Catalog >Item Status Setting
The Product Status admin page will open on the same page.
Verify status ‘7. Product Complete’ is checked to view on preview and on live.
Both checkboxes must be checked for this status.
If they are not, check them and click on ‘Save’

7. Verify the Store Item Properties #
Go to the default supplier row in the List of the Vendors admin page and click on the supplier VID
Now go to Settings >Store Properties
The Store Properties table admin page will open on the same page.
Verify these properties are setup correctly:
Property | Value |
Auto_Import_Item_Into_MCW | TRUE |
SHARE_FROM_MCW | MCW that will be linked to the supplier |
DefaultCategoryImagePath | /20180522154/assets/category/images/ |
DefaultCategoryThumbnailImagePath | /20180522154/assets/category/thumbnails/ |
DefaultItemImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/images/ |
DefaultItemLargeImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/largeimages/ |
DefaultItemSmallImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/small/ |
DefaultItemThumbnailImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/thumbnails/ |
Supplier Marketplace store (independent checkout) #
To validate the supplier marketplace configuration, follow the same steps as the Supplier store
1. Store Type #
Go to the Store Setting pop-up, located on the List Vendors page > Supplier store row > Gear > Store Settings > Store Type tab.
Note: The List Vendors page is the first page displayed after the admin logs in.

- Make sure the ‘Marketplace’ radio button is checked
- Choose the MCW store vid from the ‘Warehouse’ dropdown menu.

Click on Update.
2. Store Settings #
Go to the Store Setting pop-up, located on the List Vendors page > Supplier store row > Gear > Store Settings > Company and Contact Info tab.

- Make sure the Primary Domain is correct and it is the same as the main marketplace store.

3. Verify the Store Item Properties #
Go to the default supplier row in the List of the Vendors admin page and click on the supplier VID
Now go to Settings >Store Properties
The Store Properties table admin page will open on the same page.
Verify these properties are setup correctly:
Property | Value |
Is_Supplier_Marketplace | TRUE |
Auto_Replicate_Order_To_Supplier | TRUE |
Enable_Sharing_Customer | TRUE |
TWITTER.EnableLogin | No |
FACEBOOK.EnableLogin | No |
SHARE_FROM_MCW | {MCW store} |
Main_Marketplace_Store_Id | {Main marketplace VID} |
TEMPLATELIBRARYVID | {Marketplace Library VID} |
is_main_marketplace | FALSE |
GoogleMapApiKey | {Google key} |
Google_SSO_Client_ID | {Google Client ID} |
DefaultCategoryImagePath | /20180522154/assets/category/images/ |
DefaultCategoryThumbnailImagePath | /20180522154/assets/category/thumbnails/ |
DefaultItemImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/images/ |
DefaultItemLargeImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/largeimages/ |
DefaultItemSmallImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/small/ |
DefaultItemThumbnailImagePath | /20180522154/assets/items/thumbnails/ |
Main Marketplace Template Marketplace store #
To validate the main marketplace configuration, follow the same steps as the Supplier store
1. Store Type #
Go to the Store Setting pop-up, located on the List Vendors page > Supplier store row > Gear > Store Settings > Store Type tab.
Note: The List Vendors page is the first page displayed after the admin logs in.

- Make sure the ‘Marketplace’ radio button is checked
- Choose the MCW store vid from the ‘Warehouse’ dropdown menu.

Click on Update.
2. Store Settings #
Go to the Store Setting pop-up, located on the List Vendors page > Supplier store row > Gear > Store Settings > Company and Contact Info tab.

- Make sure the Primary Domain is correct and it is the same as the main marketplace store.

3. Verify the Store Item Properties #
Go to the default supplier row in the List of the Vendors admin page and click on the supplier VID
Now go to Settings >Store Properties
The Store Properties table admin page will open on the same page.
Verify these properties are setup correctly:
Property | Value |
Is_Main_Marketplace | TRUE |
Is_Supplier_Marketplace | FALSE |
Auto_Replicate_Order_To_Supplier | TRUE |
Enable_Sharing_Customer | TRUE |
TWITTER.EnableLogin | No |
FACEBOOK.EnableLogin | No |
SHARE_FROM_MCW | {MCW store} |
TEMPLATELIBRARYVID | {Marketplace Library VID} |
is_main_marketplace | FALSE |
GoogleMapApiKey | {Google key} |
Google_SSO_Client_ID | {Google Client ID} |
Container Template store #
The container template has the same configuration as the supplier template store, the only difference is that it has specific store item properties created specifically for the containers. The store item properties are used on the Create Suplier store pop-up in the react admin pages. Please review this document: