Go to Orders, then click Quote Request

New/Pending/Quoted/Not Quoted/Assigned to Me #
Switch between New/Pending/Quoted/Not Quoted/Assigned to Me to see different quotes

Delete Quotes #
You can select multiple quotes to delete

Assign quotes to different users #
Choose the users you want to assign to from the dropdown list

Edit quotes #
Click Edit button to edit quote

Reject a quote #
Click the button to reject the quote (QR-445)

Then go to Not Quoted section, QR-445 is there

Convert a request to a quote #
In this case, I would like to convert a request QR-438 to a quote. I click the button Convert to Quote

A popup appears. Review the request details in the popup and click Save to convert it to a quote

Then the QR-438 disappears. It’s been moved to the quoted section

Go to Quoted section, QR-438 is there