Overview #
This document describes how to rebuild Solr Items using the Solr Preferences page.
Apache Solr is a fast open-source Java search server. Solr enables the creation of search engines which searches websites, databases and files. Rebuilding Solr means re-indexing. The purpose of creating indexes is to optimize the speed of search results for facets, regular searches and advanced searches.
The Solr Items page is used when item changes are made on the Catalog | Products page and don’t appear on the site. Clicking the rebuild button allows the site to take the changes and re-index it.
There are two different view options on the dropdown menu: Main and Properties.
- Under the Main view all of the columns in the item’s database table are displayed.
- Under the Properties view, the properties that can be indexed are all the item properties that can be managed under Setting | Item Properties.
Some non-selectable items settings will appear with a white background. If the item setting has a grayed out text and a prohibition sign appears when trying to select the checkbox, not allowing the ability to select it, this means the item setting is not part of the Solr schema and can’t be rebuilt.
Solr Preferences #
- Click Advanced.
- Click Solr items.
- Click rebuild to rebuild Solr. (Refer Items to know more about selection of items to rebuild Solr.)

Items #
- The Select All option allows the ability to select all of the available options at once. Another option is to select each specific column to be indexed.
- The Rebuild and Full Rebuild buttons will then reindex Solr according to the options selected. Rebuild process only items that were modified, while Full Rebuild process all items in the store even if they weren’t modified. This option will take a little bit longer depending on the number of items on the store.
- When the Solr Item rebuilds starts, the page reloads and a progress bar displays the number of items being processed.
- After Solr Item rebuild is finished, a message displays the build status as Success or Fail. The status after a rebuilt is always Success.
- If the rebuild failed, click on the Fail message, correct the errors and try again.
- If no rebuild is needed but changes to the boxes were made and needed to be saved, click Update or Ok to save the changes but not rebuild the store.

Properties #
To rebuild properties,
- Select Properties from the dropdown menu.
- A page containing all the properties created on Settings | Item Properties appears. This page will work the same as the Main (Items) page.
- Click Select All option to select all the properties and then click Rebuild to rebuild only items modified since last Solr rebuild.
- Click on Full Rebuild to rebuild Solr for all items on the store even if they weren’t modified, this option will take a little bit longer depending on the number of items on the store.
- Click the Ok or Update button to save the changes but not rebuild Solr.
- Click the Main link to redirect to the main page.