Overview #
This document provides all the necessary information to log in to a supplier store using the Avetti Commerce React administration panel, as well as, the steps to login as an importer (parent supplier)
The first section of this document is intended for Supplier admins only.
Log in to the Supplier Store using a Supplier admin role #
Prerequisites: #
- Access to React Administration pages.
- User Credentials to the Supplier Catalog admin role.
Follow these steps to login to your supplier store: #
1. Go to the Login page of the Avetti Commerce react administration panel #
If you don’t have the URL of the Avetti Commerce react administration panel, consult with your Avetti system administrator or project manager.
The login admin page looks like this:

2. Enter your Supplier Catalog Admin Username and Password #
Enter the user name and password of the supplier store to log in as a Supplier Catalog admin and click on Continue

If you are attempting to login into a new supplier store, you should have received an email with the username and a link to reset the password. If you don’t have this information, please contact your Avetti system admin or project manager.
After you are logged in the Dashboard page will be displayed showing important information about the orders, customers, and products in the supplier store.

Log in to the Supplier Store using an Importer Supplier admin role #
Similar to the steps above, we need to use a Supplier Catalog admin role to log in to the importer/parent supplier store. However, after you log in, the Dashboard will not be displayed. Instead, the listing of all child supplier stores will be displayed.
NOTE: The supplier store becomes an importer store when child stores are attached to it. This is a process explained in the Getting Starter guide. A parent supplier is also known as an ‘Importer’ and the child suppliers are’ Containers’. The parent supplier will have a listing of all the child suppliers and will be able to log in to each of the child suppliers to view orders, respond to chats, add products, and update the inventory. etc.
Prerequisites: #
- Access to React Administration pages.
- User Credentials to the Parent Supplier store with a Supplier Catalog admin role.
1. Go to the Login page of the Avetti Commerce react administration panel #

2. Enter your Importer Admin Username and Password #
Enter the user name and password of the importer/parent supplier store to log in as an Importer admin and click on Continue.

If you don’t have this information, please contact your Avetti system admin or project manager.
3. Verify the child store listing is displayed #
One of the main reasons we have an importer/parent store is to be able to manage many suppliers from one account.
As mentioned before, the parent supplier will have a listing of all the child suppliers and will be able to log in with one click to each of the child suppliers to view orders, respond to chats, add products, and update the inventory. etc.

4. Access a child supplier store from the supplier listing #
To access one of the child supplier stores in the listing, just search for the supplier ID or the Supplier Code or use the pagination to find the store you would like to access.
When you find it, click on it or the ‘>‘ icon.

You can verify the correct child supplier store was opened by referring to the store ID in the header.

4. Go back to the Store Listings #
If you finished updating the supplier stores and would like to go back to the Store Listings of supplier stores attached to your importer/parent store, just to update a different supplier store, go to the user icon located in the top right corner of the page and click on ‘Associated Suppliers’

You will be redirected back to the list of suppliers, where you have the ability to click on other supplier stores and update their products.

Reset your password #
In case you have the Supplier Catalog admin username but you don’t remember the password, the Reset your password page is available .