Also available in these formats:
Overview #
This document has been designed to help you with important and useful administrative options/default values for the store that could not be included elsewhere.
Site Admin Preferences #
- Click Advanced.
- Click Site Admin Preferences.
- Enter the details (Refer table 1).
- Click Update and Ok to save the details.

Field | Description |
Use Custom Publishing Script | The publish to HTML feature can call a script to post process the HTML produced. This checkbox turns on that feature. The script is configured in as a property Example: | should be under app path on the server. |
Enable Live Instance | This checkbox enables or disables the Publish to Live button visible on theCatalog | Publish to Shop page in preview. This should also be checked in the Live instance. This should be disabled if publishing should not occur on the given preview store. |
Enable Order History | The View Orders section can permit the admin to Archive Orders to an Order History. Then from there they can be permanently deleted. This provides a safe way for admins to finish with an order and yet still have it in the order history. If unchecked the delete button on the View orders page will permanently delete the order. We recommend this feature be left on. |
Change State of all Items to | In this field, each available status that items can be set to will appear. Use this option if all items are ready to appear on the store by setting the option to Display on Live & Preview (or a comparative option). This will overwrite the status of every item in the store. Select the desired Status and click OK or Update to save the changes. For more information on Item Statuses, refer Item Status Settings |
Google Analytics Store Identification Code | If you use Google Analytics to track shopper activity on your website, enter the store id here to activate that feature and get reports listing who is visiting your site. Learn more at |
Shipping Address Nicknames | Default tags for Address. By default when a shopper sees a text box or a link for his address he/she will see “My Address”. When inputing a new address will see “New Address”, unless changed here. |
Set Flat Shipping Rate Weight Units | Select whether you want the weight units to be pounds (lb), kilograms (kg) or grams. The default value is lb for the flat rate shipping calculations. |
Refund Shipping Cost | If the administrator refunds an item, specify here if the refunds will also include the shipping costs. |
Default Category Template | Select from the dropdown which template will show as default when creating a new category. The template can be changed at the moment of creating a new category from the Category Template dropdown. |
Set all Category to use the Default Category Template except “Home,Sitemaps” | All categories in the store (except for Home and Sitemaps) will have its template changed to the template set under the Default Category Template field. |
Default Item Template | Select from the dropdown which template will be set by default when creating a new item. The template can be changed for that particular item on the edit item page. |
Set all Items to use the Default Item Template | Every item in the store will have its template changed to the one specified under the Default Item Template field. |
Max Category Nesting Level | This value sets how many subcategories there can be. Example. If the number is two, the store can’t have a structure such as Home > Shop > Electronics > TVs, as TV would be a fourth level. |
Google Map API Key | Enter the Google Maps API key for the google account used on the store, if any. Google maps is commonly used in the contact us page. |
Google Translate API Key | Enter the Google Translate API key for the google account used on the store, if any. |
Youtube Username | The account username of Youtube account that is being used on the site. |
Youtube Password | The account password of Youtube account that is being used on the site. |
Youtube Developer Key | The Youtube developer key used to allow sites to use Youtube on the site. |
Automatically Add Items To Parent Categories When Create | Automatically Add Items To Parent Categories if this check-box is checked. |
Order Categories By | Click the Order Categories button to order the categories of the store by name or description (select from the dropdown). |
Order Items By | Click the Order Items button to order the items of the store by code, title or description (select from the dropdown). |
Remove Text | Enter the text that will be removed and the property # to remove the text from and then click on Remove Now button. |
Set Property # | Enter the property number and the name which it will be changed to and then click on the Change Name Now button to change the name for all items. |
Set Property # | Enter the property number and the value which it will be changed to and then click on the Change Value Now button to change the value for all items. |
Detach Property # | Enter the property number and click on Detach Now to detach this property from all items. |
Replace missing images with /store/files/ | Enter the remaining path up to a specif image file. Missing images on the store will be replaced with this image. |
Store Group | It joins with storegroupsmaps to specify the list of stores that are in the same group. This can be used to build a across-site functions. REMOVE |
Default catalog skin | Choose the default catalog skin from the dropdown. |
Downloadable Content Settings | Specify the following settings for downloadable content on the store: • Use Amazon S3: Mark this checkbox if the content is in an amazon server • Global Download Limit: How many times the download URL can be regenerated. it isn’t how many times the shopper can download the file. • Global Access Minutes: The lifetime of the download URL. |
Set Downloadable URL Properties | Specify the following settings for downloadable URL Properties: • Access Minutes: • Must be Used Completely on First Access |
Generate SEO URL | Click this button to automatically generate an SEO URL for all items and categories. If items and categories have their SEO URL locked, the current SEO URL will not be overwritten by the generated one by clicking this button. The SEO URLs must be unlocked if you wish them to be updated by this feature. Unlocking the SEO URL is done on the item or category page. |
Autogenerate Page Title Meta Keyword and Description | This feature will automatically generate the following for every item and category: • Page Title • Meta Keyword • Meta Description This is a very important tool to use, as filling in this information for each product and category can be time-consuming, especially when it involves copying existing data. The three fields listed above will be generated using the descriptions, titles and other information about the item/category. |
Reset Top Menu Category for all Products in Categories Under Home / Shop | The Top Category set for each item under the shop category will be reset to None. |
Enable One Page Checkout | Enabling one page checkout modifies the flow of the checkout process to be done in a single page. Note that the templates must be properly configured in order to use this feature. |
Allow Backorders on Site | With this option enabled, the customer can add items to their cart even if there is no inventory for the item. If there is stock for an item but the customer chooses a Quantity greater than the amount currently in stock, they will be given an option to add only the available stock to the cart, or add the available stock and purchase the remaining amount when available as a back order. |
Don’t Save Basket On Order Placed | If not checked, the basket will be saved and can be restored in the future. |
Use Points Or Allowances to Pay | Select between the following options: • None: No points or allowances available in the store • Points: If the store rewards points to the customers, this option must be selected in order to allow customers to spend their points during the checkout process • Allowances: Similarly, if the store provides allowances to the customer, select this option so that the customers can use their available allowance during checkout. |
Skip Checkout Review Page | Mark this checkbox to skip the Checkout Review page. |
Force Change Password | If checked, forces users to change their password upon first login. Example, an admin created a new account for User A and set the password to pass123. On the first login, User A will get prompted to change the password. |
Approving Managers Email Domain | Enter the approving managers email domain. This is the person responsible for approving orders in the store. |
Email Quote | It’s related to “Approving Managers Email Domain”. If there is a new quote, email it to the approving manager. |
Unlock All Template Locks | Unlock all templates that have been locked |
Default Offercode | An offercode assigned to all new customers by default. |
Store Title PreFix | Add Substore Name as Item Code Prefix |
Add Substore Name as Product Code Prefix | Marking this checkbox will prefix the item codes with the substore name. |
Inventory Decrement | Select at which point the inventory should be decrement. When adding to cart or when order is placed. |
Settle Credit Card when full items shipped | Mark this checkbox in order not to charge customer’s credit card until all items in the order were shipped. |
Validate Item Image Path | After uploading images with FTP clicking this button will then search the image folder in the filesystem and check if there is an image with an itemcode. If there is, it sets the path for that item. If not, it sets to no image. |
Scale Images for this Store | Scales all item images according to settings on the This script also runs automatically every 5 minutes. |
Make Item Unavailable On 0 Inventory | Mark this checkbox in order to automatically change item status to unavailable if inventory reaches 0. |
Make Item Unavailable On 0 Inventory IF Discontinued | Mark this checkbox in order to automatically change item status to unavailable if inventory reaches 0 AND item is discontinued. |
Test Order First/Last Name | This feature is useful for making test orders on the store. Any order made through a guest account using this name will not appear in the Orders | Manage Orders list unless chosen otherwise. This allows to separate test orders from actual customer orders. To show it in the Manage Orders list, check the Show Test Orders checkbox at the bottom of the Manage Orders page. Enter a First and Last Name that will be used for a guest account. Ensure this is a unique name that no customers would use if they created a guest account, such as TESTORDER for First Name and LASTNAME for Last Name. Go to the store Login page and create a Guest account. Ensure that the First and Last name fields on the guest sign in page have the exact same values entered in the Site Admin Preferences First/Last Name fields. Enter in the rest of the information (fake information if desired). Once logged into this guest account, search for an item in the store and add it to the cart. Follow the checkout process and place the order. Proceed to the Orders | Manage Orders page. Ensure that the Show Test Orders checkbox at the bottom of the page is checked or else the order cannot be seen. Uncheck the checkbox and notice that the order placed by this account will not appear in the main order list. |
Delete Test Order and Guest Customer Record After the Order Confirmation is Emailed | Mark this check-box to delete test order and guest customer record after the order confirmation is emailed. |
Set All Products To Available | Click this button to set all items in the store to the available state. |
Default Product Large Image Path | This is the default image path for the item large image, this will automatically be added to the images on the edit item page. |
Default Item Item Image Path | This is the default image path for the item medium image, mostly used on the product page, this will automatically be added to the images on the edit item page. |
Default Item Thumbnail Image Path | This is the default image path for the item thumbnail image, this will automatically be added to the images on the edit item page. |
Default Item Small Image Path | This is the default image path for the item small image, this will automatically be added to the images on the edit item page. |
Default Category Thumbnail Image Path | This is the default image path for the category thumbnail image, this will automatically be added to the images on the edit category page. |
Default Category Image Path | This is the default image path for the category medium image, this will automatically be added to the images on the edit category page. |
Initialize Inventory for All Items to Quantity | Sets a defined quantity to all the items in the inventory. |
Initialize all Large Images to | Sets the specified image to all of the item Large Images. |
Initialize all Item Images to | Sets the specified image to all of the item Images. |
Initialize all Thumbnail Images to | Sets the specified image to all of the item Thumbnail Images. |
Initialize all Small Images to | Sets the specified image to all of the item Small Images. |
View Catalog Link | Set the URL to the link “view” next to the vendor ID in the List Vendors section. |
Enable TinyMCE | TinyMCE is a web-based HTML WYSIWYG editor control. It allows formatting of content (such as item description) and transforms it to HTML. Keep it enabled in order to be able to use formatting tools such as the ones seen on the edit item page in the description field. If disabled, fields that would use MCE will display a regular text box with content converted to plain HTML. |
Default Scheduled Content for Items Path | Type in the path you wish to set as default for scheduled content for Items. |
Default Scheduled Content for Categories Path | Type in the path you wish to set as default for scheduled content for Categories. |
Accumulate [ ] points for every $1 spent (excluding taxes, shipping and shipping discounts) | In the blank field, enter a default number of points the customer will earn for every $1 spent on an order in the store. For more information on points, see the Prices section of this document. Example: The value in this field is 2. A customer purchases an order worth $600.00. The customer will earn 1200 points on the purchase. |
Enable Template Repository | If enable, template changes can be committed to a SVN repository from the Manage Templates page. |
Update Latest template and Custom DTO From Repository | Click to update templates and DTOs to the latest version in the repository. |
Enable Recently Viewed Functionality | This feature allows the customer to see what items or categories they have viewed recently. The Recently Viewed template will appear in the side navigation of the store by default. |
Store Recently Viewed Data in Database | Works with the Enable Recently Viewed Functionality. If this option is checked, the Recently Viewed items/categories will be saved in the database upon the customer’s session closing, so that it may persist to the customer’s next visit to the store. |
Maximum Number of Recently Viewed Products | Specify the maximum number of items that will appear for the customer in the Recently Viewed template. In most cases, you may wish to leave this at the default value of 5; too many items can crowd the side navigation and cause the Recently Viewed template to extend beyond product descriptions and category pages. |
Enable Memcache | Mark this checkbox to enable memcache in the server. Memcache will cache items and category pages accessed by customers to provide a very fast loading time without having to perform database calls. |
Allow Multiple Billing Addresses | Mark this checkbox in order to allow customers to have multiple billing addresses. |
Template Library Vendor ID | Enter the Vendor ID of the template library used for the store. |
Auto Update You May Also Like | Sets the you may also like settings for all items on store. |
Enable Redirect Preview to Shop | When checked, if a user tries to load preview store without being logged in on preview admin, the user gets redirected to shop. |
Update Merchandising Priority of Items | Sets the Sys_Merchandising_priority property for all items. |
Reset Statistics | Click to clear the access statistics table that holds data that determines popular items. |
Update items count property | Click to update this category property. It stores the number of items on each category. |
Skip Over The Your Information Page | Skip the yourinfo page during checkout. |
Enable Your Cart Page | If not checked, customers don’t have access to the cart page and go directly to checkout. |
Clean Average Review Value And Recalculate | Click to update ratings for items. |
Check for Duplicated SEO URLs | Click to check for duplicate SEO URLs. Items must have a unique SEO URL. |
Enable Postal Code Validation | Mark this checkbox so postal code is validated when creating an address. it checks the format of the postal code if it’s a valid US or Canadian address. |
Default In stock Buffer | Actual inventory value = Current available – In stock buffer value. This setting defaults the In stock Buffer value for all items. |
Set All Categories to | Set all categories to the selected state. |
Set All Items to | Set all items to the selected state. |
Allow Ship To Multiple Addresses | Mark this checkbox in order to allow items to be shipped to multiple addresses. |
Show Request Quote Button | Enable in order to display a Request Quote button in the item page. Normally used in B2B stores. |
Enable Auth/Capture | Use Local Shipping Rules Only: Only used on a Marketplace environment, to pull shipping setting from market place instead of warehouse |
Use Local Shipping Rules Only | Only used on a Marketplace environment, to pull shipping setting from market place instead of warehouse |